Sunday, August 30, 2020

In the beginning...the ukulele

 I always liked listening to music but one day, my older brother Earl put on this one album on my parents old stereo system...the type of stereo that folds up the two speakers, one on each side of the turntable...and I couldn't believe my ears what I was listening to. It was a guy called Ohta san and he played the ukulele so beautiful that it made me wanna keep listening to the songs over and over again...I particularly liked one ukulele arrangement called Sushi...That one song made me want to play the ukulele...this is the video of the song below...

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ukulele solo instrument

I know there are a lot of people out there that love to listen to the ukulele as a solo playing instrument...and there are a lot of people that like to listen to the instrument being played in a group or band setting...I myself like both variations. The ukulele...even though just a four string instrument...has been versatile to many genres of music throughout the years like pop, jazz, contemporary, reggae and blues just to name a few...the ukulele is such an extraordinary instrument!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

First ukulele blog post

 This is my very first post for my blog and I hope that you will follow me through this journey and give me some feedback as to what kind of information that you would like to see maybe the type of ukulele that’s affordable to play, ukulele songs, ukulele videos, ukulele musicians...